Piercing sizes

You can find illustrations of all piercings and how to find out their sizes on our Sizes Information Template to print (PDF). This template illustrates the sizes on a 1:1 scale. You can put your piercing on the templates to compare.

Gauges / Thread

We stock both international standards of 1.2 mm as well as 1.6mm. Examples for 1.6mm are belly piercings, nipple piercings or tongue piercings; an example for 1.2mm is the eyebrow piercings. You can combine all barbells and balls. Just be careful not to mix 1.2mm and 1.6mm.
Bar length / Diameter of Rings

The length of all barbells is measured without the screw thread. That means only the shaft of the bar which is underneath the skin surface. The straight distance between the threads is measured of belly and eyebrow piercings. The inner diameter is measured of rings such as BCR (Ball Closure Ring), circular barbells and spirals.
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